Tuesday, January 7

Bullying can be termed as an aggressive behaviour of a person. Generally it is found in school children. It is an unwanted, violent behaviour and repeating in nature. Bullying activity includes spreading rumours, making threats or sometimes physically attacking someone.

What is Bullying?

often it has been seen that people take advantage through repeated tries to harm someone weaker. That is known a Bullying.

More often it involves direct attacks like name calling, hitting, teasing or taunting.

Cyber Bullying:

keep a watch if your child is being bullied, may be either online, phone, or in person,through written notes, document or anything Online. Save all emails or IM’s conversations. It is called Cyber bullying, that is done through electronic technology. The technique and devices nowadays used for this like computers, smart phones, tablets, iPhones and ipads along with the communication media used for this like text messages sent, chatting over the internet, Electronic mail, social media sites and other websites. It also includes rumours posted in the name of a particular person, embarrassing pictures of someone, fake profile, videos or websites.

How children are Affected by Bullying:

There are several factors which are responsible for a kid of being bullied. Bullying can be done anywhere like suburbs, cities as well as in rural towns. The persons more prone to bully are like gay, lesbian, bisexual, disable person, socially isolated youth and depressed fellow. Moreover children are generally at a high risk of being bullied.

Children who have been bullied may be found with any unusual symptoms such as they become weak or sometimes over or under weight. They won’t be comfortable with the crowd. They feel isolated, anxious, depressed, annoying and sometimes found with low self-esteem.

Generally when child are being bullied they donor feel comfortable to share it with the adults due to many reasons: the child feel humiliating and socially isolated, they found it embarrassing to share the things with others. Rather fear is another factor associated with it. Usually the children feel helpless and try their level best to manage the thing and make them good by their own.

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