For long years we have seen several social deviant atrocities that directly correlate to ethnicity, race, culture, sexual orientation, gender and class.
Basing on some trusted research, It has been proved that, Jamaica is the most aggressive island toward homosexuals in the previously conservative Caribbean. As per the gays, particularly those in poor neighbourhood, suffer frequent abuse.
Caribbean’s Christian belief:
As a result, the planet has experienced such dilemmas for generations. For instance, in the Caribbean, sexual orientation is a huge concern and cannot be tolerated at all. The main concern is that what Christian belief, both man and woman were created to procreate. This does not involve any type of homosexual relationship.
Homosexual Relationships killing Jamaica:
As we all know, communities in the Caribbean feel so strongly with respect to homosexual relationships to the point where gay men have been assaulted or else even killed. Thus there are many instances in terms of how deviant homosexuality is viewed in the world. One more example can be referred to some of the dominant and popular reggae artist. A few of their lyrics promote killing gay people, and at the sometime actually glorifying it. Some reggae artist careers have been cut short as they refuse to omit some of their lyrics or apologise about their views regarding homosexual relationships. Moreover, they have been refused entry to perform in concerts in quite a few different parts of the world since their deviant ideologies. The number present has been evident that some of their performances have been associated with inciting hatred.
Class, Race, and gender are political, social, economic, and however cultural constructs that depict the personality of the people. Moreover, these constructs are distinct depending on the status occupied by the individuals and their institutional, individual, and social status, of those persons that have the power to create hierarchies. The intersection of class, race, and gender and the dimensions of domination and discrimination in counselling.