I agree with the terms and significance of political ideology. I believe in socialism in Canadian ideology as it is so well culture as well as organised. It covers all the social and legal aspects of the Canadian society. Ideologies can be defined as a set of beliefs that guide how an organisation or individual makes decisions. The left and right wings are designed in such a way that no loopholes are there. The politicians and political parties are often guided by their ideologies when making laws and government policies.
Canadian political ideology:
In overall, left wing beliefs support workers, the environment, the poor, and high taxes. While the right wing beliefs support businesses, tradition, lower taxes, and the belief that individuals must take care of themselves.
Where as socialism is an ideology regulating through the government or any other authorised body. The common elements of Socialism include private ownership and financial control as being the cause of poverty, unemployment, social inequality, lack of economic security.
How it works:
This ideology gives all the right to everyone as equals. The law is one for the country and all the citizens of the country should enjoy the same law. Canadian culture is fair enough to justice and keep a same set of law for all the followers.
A political movement aims to convince citizens or government officials to take on issues that are the focus of the movement” but I also think this can be applied to many other applications rather than just the narrow arena of government politics.
Politics are present everywhere in our lives. My husband and I are in the process of negotiating our mortgage renewal. We’re dealing with the politics of the banking institutions, the mortgage brokers and the internal politics of our marriage. Each of us lobbying the other to come to a mutual decision. 5yr or 10yr term? Open or closed? Fixed or variable? What features are essential to our mortgage and which ones are just perks? Should we let our personal feelings concerning the banks come into play? Our discussions have been quite political even though we have not once spoken about the Conservative or Liberal parties. Politics are all around us and political movement gets things done.